By Erin Most BSN RN Healthscribe Gardens 

What is an STI STD?

● A sexually transmitted infection is a viral, bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infection that is passed from one person to another through sexual contact, including vaginal, oral, and anal contact.
● A sexually transmitted disease is an infection that has progressed into symptoms of disease.

Symptoms of a STI:
While most people have no symptoms at all, there are a wide range of symptoms that can occur depending on the STI/STD. You may feel under the weather, run a low-grade fever, have back pain, have changes in your periods, and/or feel pain when urinating. Most people have no symptoms at all. With some STI’s you may develop vaginal discharge, foul smelling discharge, pain with sex and urination, vaginal irritation/burning, or small bumps/ulcers around the vagina/rectum/mouth. Visit Mayo Clinic for more details on symptoms of STI’s. Most people have no symptoms at all

Who should get tested for an STI/STD?
● Anyone who is sexually active with multiple partners or previously with multiple partners.
● Anyone whose partner has been previously sexually active with multiple partners.
● Anyone who shares/uses needles for drug use.
● Anyone who sells sex for drugs or money.
● All women who are pregnant.

Why should I get tested for an STI?
Left untreated, certain STDs can cause long term health complications such as blindness, brain damage, infertility, birth defects, and even death. All STDs are treatable but only some can be cured entirely. If you are pregnant, it is very important to get tested to protect your unborn child because, left untreated, STDs can cause serious birth defects.

What to expect with an STI test at Heart to Heart:
● Urine sample: we will have you self-collect a sample from your vagina and it will be tested for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia and Trichomoniasis while you wait.
● Blood tests: we will stick your finger with a small needle to collect a blood sample and it will be tested for HIV and Syphilis while you wait.

Resources for more information:

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

Sexually Transmitted Disease Symptoms

Sexually Transmitted Infections Symptoms