Did You Know You Have Options?

At Heart to Heart, we want to offer you the information, referrals and support you need to succeed at whatever option you choose for your unplanned pregnancy. None of your choices are easy to make because all of them have lifelong consequences.


Abortion may seem like the “easy” way out. If you take the abortion pill, it’s one and done, right? No, it isn’t just one little pill. A medical abortion involves a couple of powerful drugs and can have lifelong physical and emotional consequences. You deserve to be fully informed about this choice. Read more about abortion methods and talk with a member of our staff about this option.


Making an adoption plan is another option. Yes, there is also physical and emotional pain with this choice. But, after careful consideration, you will choose the family. Through regular correspondence, you will come to know them quite well. They will be your child’s adoptive parents, but you will always be a part of your child’s life story. Read about the different adoption plans and talk with us about referrals and information.


Parenting is your third option. No one imagines parenting when they didn’t intend it, but sometimes plans happen when we’re least expecting them. That doesn’t make them wrong; it makes them challenging. Parenting also comes with physical and emotional pain. By choosing to parent, you give up so much but gain so much more. We have the information and referrals you will need to be a successful parent. Read about parenting and make an appointment soon.