Is your period late? Have you taken an over-the-counter pregnancy test and the result was positive? We suggest you still come to Heart to Heart for free and confidential pregnancy testing to verify your pregnancy. Get the peace of mind you’re looking for.

How Our Tests Work

Our pregnancy tests are self-administered urine tests. The tests detect the presence of the hormone hCG. The production of this hormone starts right after a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus.

Although our tests are laboratory-rated and 99% accurate, your body needs time to build up the hCG hormone. Over-the-counter pregnancy tests are reliable, but sometimes women take them too early before hCG levels are high enough to detect, or they don’t follow the directions carefully.

The Best Time to Take a Pregnancy Test

The time to take a pregnancy test depends on your menstrual cycle. If your cycle is regular (every 28-32 days), you can take a test 2 or 3 days after your late period. Your body needs enough time to begin producing the hCG hormone.

If your menstrual cycle is irregular, we suggest waiting 5 to 7 days after you think it should have started. When you wait a little longer, you will receive a more accurate result from the pregnancy test.

What to do if Your Test is Positive

If the pregnancy test you take at Heart to Heart is positive, you can have an ultrasound at Heart to Heart for free. More than 20% of pregnancies may end in a natural miscarriage. You could still get a positive pregnancy test result days or even weeks after a miscarriage.

The ultrasound will not only confirm your pregnancy but will tell you how far along you are and if the pregnancy is viable (growing). Once you’ve confirmed you are still pregnant, we can discuss the different options available to you.

As always, every service and consultation is free and confidential at Heart to Heart. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or stop by!

Heart to Heart is not a medical facility. We do not offer or refer for abortions.